
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 Ways To Increase The Pagerank Of Your Website

google_630xSearch engines are the main method people use to find the websites that they are looking for, Google being the most popular. Google uses a complicated system for calculating the individual page rank of each site, and not all if it has been confirmed. Despite this, however, we are still aware of some of the methods that can be used to boost your page rank.

1. Link Building
Link building is the technique used by the majority of high-ranking pages. It refers to both putting links to other sites on to your pages, and getting other people to put links to your site on their pages. Google considers each link as a kind of ‘vote’ towards the sites page rank. Therefore, the more incoming links you have, the higher your page rank is.

You can build links in a number of ways, and the most immediate way is to link each of your pages to each other. You can also link to other pages that relate to your page, and a link to Google actually gives you good karma points in their eyes. Note that if you are linking to bad websites, it can actually lead to your site being flagged, and being removed from the page rankings.

2. Posting Quality Content
When people go to a website, they generally leave immediately if there is nothing of quality on it. This has a very negative effect, and can lead to people removing links to your site from their pages. This decreases your page rank dramatically. To avoid this, always make sure your content is useful and high quality.

3. Using Commonly Searched Keywords
Since Google matches a user’s search term as exactly as they can, throwing in a few of the more commonly searched terms can work wonders on your page rank. This is known as search engine optimization, or SEO, and is used in a lot of successful websites to get more views, therefore getting more incoming links, and finally getting higher up in the listings.

4. Advertise and Popularize Your Site
In order to get a lot of incoming links built up, you need to have people see your site. Submitting it to web directories, advertising through social media or advertising programs such as Google Adsense are all very good, legitimate ways of advertising your site. There are also a lot of others ways that can be thought of with the right resources.

5. Don’t Use Any Unethical Tactics
This simply means that you should always stick to legitimate techniques for improving your page rank. Never turn towards anything dodgy, despite how high it says it may get you in the page rankings. Always remain legitimate, no matter what.

With these simple steps, you can make it all the way up the page rankings so you have a popular and quality site that can be earning you revenue even when you aren’t there. Improving your page rank is the perfect way to maximize your earnings, with little effort required.

By: Frank Breinling

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Facebook Link To Connect You

Have you noticed that Facebook has certainly become one of the go to sources on the Internet for virtually everything? What started out as a meager little social networking site has turned into a powerhouse for our business and personal lives? No longer is this site small, and more and more people are realizing that if they do not make use of Facebook, they are missing out on a big opportunity.
Have you begun to explore how you can use Facebook to further your business? Of course, you may have a page for your business and you may promote your products on the social networking site, but there are still many other opportunities that you will want to take advantage of. The thing about Facebook is that you are not just reaching one person. You are marketing to all of their friends and potentially all of their friends’ friends. This is a chance to reach thousands of people in a short amount of time.

How can you use Facebook to further your marketing? You will need to make use of the Facebook Link extension for your web site. This handy extension does all of the work for you and immediately can reach hundreds of people. Whenever one of your customers goes to your website and they log in with their Facebook credentials, the link is created. Then, when they make a purchase, a post is added to their Facebook wall. This way, all of their friends will see that they did business with you. Whenever their friends click on the post, they will be taken to your website where they too can do business. This is a great way to make use of Facebook to draw in numerous potential customers.

In the modern world, there are things that you just cannot afford to leave out of your web marketing. One of those things is understanding the importance and use of Facebook for Internet marketing. This little social networking site has a great deal of power. Through it, you can reach thousands in an instant. When you make use of the Facebook Link extension for your website, you will see that it can quickly and easily bring in new customers with little or no work on your part. All you have to do is get set up and your customers can start shopping with their Facebook accounts right away, giving you an instant link to hundreds of other people.
Top Notch Dezigns provide to all customers integrations of Social Network to their website in all website packages.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Using color on a site

Choosing the right colors for your website is just as important as selecting graphics and content. This article discusses what factors to consider when selecting your website colors. Colors have many effects on people. Certain colors can invoke specific emotions in people. Emotional reactions can affect the image of your company in the visitors mind and can have a major effect or your company’s “brand”.
If you doubt color evokes emotion, consider the phrases, “green eyed monster” “seeing red” or “in a black mood”. The green-eyed monster is a reference to jealousy, seeing red means a person is angry and a black mood refers to depression. People do associate colors with
specific moods. Scientific texts have proven that different colors can make people happy, sad, relaxed, excited, angry or afraid.
Anything that can evoke those responses in people needs to be looked at carefully when designing your website. Colors tend to be classified as “neutral, “warm” or “cool”. So, let’s take a look at some of them.

Neutral Colors

Whites – Whites stand for purity and cleanliness. In eastern cultures white is the color of death while in western cultures in is the color of marriage and hope.
Grays – Grays exude reliability and conservatism. Shades of gray are one of the most popular colors for business attire.
Browns – Browns stand for the earth, home and family.
Blacks – Blacks tend to signify power, elegance and sophistication. In western cultures also stands for death.
Warm Colors
Reds – Reds are good for attracting attention. That is why they are frequently used in sales letters to emphasize specific points. Red symbolizes, anger, violence, lust, passion and can actually raise people’s blood pressure.
Yellows – Yellow can mean weakness or cowardice as well warmth and happiness.
Oranges – Orange is associated with fall harvesting and Halloween. It can also stimulate a person’s appetite.
Pinks – Pinks usually symbolize innocence, femininity and romance.
Cool Colors
Blue – Blue has a calming effect on people. It exudes intelligence and trust. It is a surprising that many financial and health care institutions use blue themes. Blue can also suppress appetite.
Green – While the green stands for jealousy, greed and inexperience, it also stands for money and wealth.
Purple – Purple tends to symbolize creativity. The darker shades were once reserved for royalty and the lighter shades are usually associated with romance.

Web Safe Colors

Vacuum tubes, LCD and Plasma screens all display colors differently. There are 216 colors that can be displayed on every type of monitor in every web browser and will look almost identical. These 216 are called web safe colors. If consistent color is important, you should only use web safe colors on your websites.

Color Schemes

Color schemes can be composed of a single color, complimentary colors or contrasting colors.
Single Color -- Single color schemes uses several different shades and intensities of a single color on a white background. For example, if you want to use a red color scheme, you can use everything from the lightest pink to a red so dark it is almost black.
Complementary Colors – Complementary color schemes use two or more colors that look good together and create a pleasant blend that is appealing to most people. One color may be dominant and the other used to compliment it.
Contrasting Colors – Contrasting color schemes use two or more dominant colors to create an “eye grabbing effect”. For example, using a dark blue page background, a deep red frame around a white background text area with black text is a typical contrasting color scheme.
Web designers need to be careful when using contrasting colors because some combinations tend to “vibrate” such as red text on a blue background and can hurt some people’s eyes, while other combinations are just had to focus on. Other combinations “clash” and are unpleasant to look at.

General Color Guidelines

The following guidelines are suggestions that should make your web pages readable for everyone.
  • Text should be readable. Obviously black on white is the default choice but others are also good. White or Yellow or other light colors work on black or any other dark color background. But, Yellow, Green or Gray on white does not.
  • Use colors that are attractive and pleasing to the eye.
  • Select the colors that portray the image you want to give your visitors.
  • For consistent colors across different browsers, use web safe colors.
  • Do not use a normal color intensity images as a background behind text. It makes it difficult to read. If you use an image, use it as a faded watermark.
  • Colors should be uniform on all your web pages to create a “brand” for your site and let your visitors know they are still on your website.
When you come to designing your website, choose you color scheme just as carefully as you choose your graphics and content. The overall appearance will determine the impression the visitor gets of your company and can mean the difference between success and failure. Contact Us.